The Low Down On The iPhone 7 & 7 Plus


Well well well, Apple unveiled the not so secret iPhone 7 & 7 Plus to the world at its annual September event and with days from its release, its been received with a mixed response to say the least. Today I am going to do a quick 5 point checklist to provide you with some of the interesting information and features you may need, to decide if you need that shiny new Apple device.

  1. As I mentioned in my previous post they have indeed banished the 3.5mm headphone jack an opted to go down the lightning connection and Bluetooth route . This is mainly due to Apple wanting to adapt a change just as they did when they first introduced the lightning connector and to create more room inside the handset for additional features like the taptic module for the new style home button and a slightly bigger battery.
  2. It can now go for a splash without a worry. Yes it is indeed water and dust resistant so no more worrying about that heart dropping moment your phone slips out your hand and down the bog it goes.
  3. Is this now the top dog in the smartphone camera world? Only time will tell with those all important comparison pictures between the iPhone 7 12mp camera & Samsung S6 12mp camera or even more exciting will be what the iPhone 7 Plus can produce because now the iPhone 7 Plus doesn’t just have one 12mp camera it has TWO. Apple have taken the route to adapt a dual camera lens system which opens up the world for a optical zoom inside a smart phone over the existing software zoom so this means clearer and sharper images when zoomed in. Both phones also have optical stabilization which should produce a sharper and cleaner images. Also just to note for all you selfie lovers the front camera has had a boost going from the 5mp to 7mp and also records in 4k
  4. Display Improvements… but not as many as myself and many others would have liked. They have indeed improved the screen by making it 25% brighter with a wider colour range gamut but it is still only a 720p screen in the iPhone 7 and 1080p in the iPhone 7 Plus. So nothing to rave about in this department unfortunately.
  5. Classic home button has now had an upgrade! So with the revelation of touch ID back on the iPhone 5s Apple have now upgraded the home button to the next level. It is now pressure sensitive and has a taptic engine built in. So what the hell does this mean? Well it is no longer a physical button that you press down but it is now a capacitive button which with clever software and hardware, gives the impression of pressing a physical button. The reason behind the change is mainly due to making it water tight but it also means in theory less home buttons should stop functioning due to it no longer being a mechanical button. It also provides advantages such as vibration feedback in certain apps and allows developers to incorporate and program there own feedback options through the home button.

Thank you for reading and I hope this has helped some of you guys out. As a last note please see below for the pricing information but be warned you may need a mortgage to buy one:

iPhone 7 Pricing –

  • 32gb – £599
  • 128gb – £699
  • 256gb – £799

iPhone 7 Plus Pricing –

  • 32gb – £719
  • 128gb – £819
  • 256gb – £919


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