Microsoft or Apple Mac Laptops Which One Is Right For You?

Blog Final ImageSo recently I’ve noticed a lot of people are buying Macbook Laptop’s because either they think its the best thing for them or they own an iPhone or iPad and surely that is what laptop you should have for these devices? or they want that nice Apple light up logo on there laptop for all to see but is it really worth it for what you use it for?

I’m not a team Apple or a team Microsoft as I do have the privilege of owning and having access to both types of system and they both have there flaws. The reason I got my Apple Macbook Pro 2012 was because I can dual boot it, so I can run both Windows 10 and Mac OS when I’m out and about doing my sideline of repairing computer systems. Which I find is very handy for my uses and works perfectly for me day to day.

I’m not going to lie Apple products do have this premium feel about them in the way they look and the way they handle but along with this they do cost a premium amount of money for example the base model Macbook Pro is £999, yes you did read that right its nearly £1000 and if you want one with more than a measly 128gb of storage your looking at £1399 for 500gb. Now if your just an everyday user why an earth would you spend this sort of money just because you want one for no apparent reason? Yes they do work seamlessly with other Apple products via software such as iTunes, iPhoto & iMovie and the integrated link with iMessage, Facetime, Notes etc but that isn’t surprising really and the operating system is very straight forward and they only seem to ever improve it with there updates by not confusing the user or changing the whole layout completely, take note windows! also after spending some time getting use to the different ways to do things in the Mac operating system and having a lesson courtesy of your local apple store it is a very simple and easy system to use but is it worth all that money really?

My personal opinion when it comes to the question of should I get Microsoft or Apple, is that it depends on the user and the user’s needs. If you rely on using the Apple operating system for certain software within your business/work place or you are a video editor, graphic designer, photographer or that type of genre of work then full steam ahead go and get yourself an apple product and you will never look back BUT for the mass majority of users out there which use there laptop & PC devices for everyday tasks such as web browsing, creating documents, checking emails, doing homework, watching video’s or streaming etc… save your money and stick to a middle of the row Windows laptop. However if you still do want to take the Apple route and you don’t need all those extra pixels in the retina display, then go ahead and buy yourself either a used Apple laptop from the likes of gumtree or eBay or even apple’s own refurbished store which is located on this Link or you can still purchase a brand new older generation Macbook Pro Non Retina which is located on this Link and upgrade the ram and hardrive to something a bit speedier, which is what I did and here is what I used for anyone going down this route Ram-HyperX 8Gb SSD-Samsung EVO 850 as this is a simple and fairly easy install to do but will give you most of the benefits of the newer Apple laptops out there without such a high premium.

I hope this helps you guys out there reading this, if you would like up to date tech news and blog updates please follow my twitter at @liamstechguide.


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